Since 1965, the Thailand Automobile Industry has received full support from the Thai Government. The industry is envisioned to drive the local economy and propel Thailand towards achieving new industrializing country status. This could be achieved through the use of productive manpower, advancement in local technology and decrease in import dependence.
The automobile industry has continuously expanded despite the economic recession experienced by our country. We have faced all kinds of difficulties. We have emerged stronger and are now one of the top five industries driving the Thai economy.
Under the Thai National Plan, the automobile industry is expected to contribute vigor in keeping the economy on the right track.
Summit Auto Body Industry Co.,Ltd. is a 100% Thai owned company. We are a major supplier of auto parts maker for the automobile industry. We are proud to be one of the most competitive companies in Thailand, able to compete against multinational competitors.
I believe that our company has a bright future and able to compete with others because of:
1. High Technology
2. Efficient Management and Flexibility
3. Productive Employees

The most important factor that we are proud of is the company’s tremendous manpower. We believe in tapping and developing the skills of our people.
Because of intense competition, there is a price war that we are facing at this very moment. Automobile companies try to decrease costs and it has significantly affected us. This situation has alerted us to improve our performance and become more efficient in order to remain on top.
Lastly, I would like to thank all employees for all the efforts and sacrifices. I hope that we could maintain our standard of high quality and continue on being one of the most highly recognized companies in Thailand.
Kornkrit Jurangkool